One University Assessment Celebration

The sixth annual One University Assessment Celebration will be held on Friday, April 25, 2025, to recognize faculty and staff for their efforts to examine and enhance learning and operational success. We will celebrate the meaningful and sustainable practices with which they engage to provide students with an unsurpassed learning experience.

“Assessment is a cornerstone of our commitment to providing an outstanding learning experience for our students. I look forward to showcasing this work and celebrating the innovative and impactful assessment practices that our faculty and staff are implementing across campus, to ensure excellence and continuous improvement.”

Julie Hasenwinkel, Associate Provost for Academic Programs

The celebration will highlight exemplary assessment efforts across campus, showcasing impactful initiatives that enhance teaching, learning, operations, and the student experience.Awards to be presented include:

  • Assessment Champions for Program/Unit Assessment and Shared Competencies
  • Outstanding Assessment in Academic, Co-Curricular, and Functional Programs/Units
  • Faculty, Staff, and Student Engagement
  • Best Use of Results
  • Collaborative Inquiry and Action

Additionally, the event will feature posters from 2024 Assessment Leadership Institute participants and 2024-25 recipients of the Student Engagement in Assessment grant, showcasing their valuable contributions.

Time2:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.
LocationSOE Education Commons

Nominate Today

We invite you to nominate yourself, colleagues, or programs/units within your area for these prestigious awards. The nomination process is simple, using the online form linked below. Submissions for the 2024-25 One University Assessment Awards will be accepted through Friday, March 28, 2025. Celebrate the outstanding work taking place in our university community by submitting your nominations today.


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Award Categories and Recipients

Assessment Champion  

The Assessment Champion awards commend campus community members who advocate for meaningful assessment to enrich the student experience. Award recipients recognize the importance of collecting evidence and engaging in reflective practices and encourage others to fully take part in the process. These individuals have shown commitment and made outstanding contributions to the University’s culture of improvement. Awards in this category are presented for: 

  • Assessment Champion for Program/Unit Assessment  
  • Assessment Champion for the Shared Competencies


Area Recipient
Academic Programs Blythe Bennett,  iSchool
Co-curricular/Functional Programs/Units Jessica Newsom, Living Learning Communities
Shared Competencies Maureen Thompson, Associate Professor | Falk College


Area Recipient
Academic Programs Jamie Desjardins, Communication Sciences and Disorders | A&S
Co-curricular/Functional Programs/Units Christopher Maldonado, Syracuse University Career Services
Shared Competencies Kelly Delevan, Syracuse University Libraries

Area Recipient
Academic Programs Kim Salanger, School of Education
Co-curricular/Functional Programs/Units Qingyi Yu, Barnes Center at The Arch
Shared Competencies Anne Mosher, Provost Fellow and Associate Professor

Outstanding Assessment

Distinguished programs and units are recognized for implementing a robust assessment and action plan to support decision-making. An effective plan includes clear statements of student learning outcomes and/or operational outcomes/objectives, strong measures that are directly linked to the statements, and specific criteria/targets for success. Faculty/staff engage in discussion about results to determine strengths and weaknesses seen in the evidence, and actions are implemented based on the findings. Equity-centered practices, such as partnering with students in different aspects of the assessment process, are incorporated into the plan. Academic programs in which faculty collaboratively developed a curriculum map clearly showing the alignment of student learning outcomes to the courses and experiences that make up the program can be considered for this award as well. Awards in this category are presented for: 

  • Outstanding Assessment in Academic Programs
  • Outstanding Assessment in Co-Curricular Programs/Units 
  • Outstanding Assessment in Functional Units 

School/College/Area  Program/Unit 
The College of Arts and Sciences Forensic Science Undergraduate & Graduate Programs
Co-curricular Program/Unit Student Outreach & Support
Functional Unit Future Professoriate Program

School/College/Area  Program/Unit 
College of Engineering and Computer Science Chemical Engineering BS
Co-curricular Program/Unit Center for Learning and Student Success
Functional Unit Human Resources

School/College/Area  Program/Unit 
School of Architecture School of Architecture Dean’s Office
The College of Arts and Sciences Art History BA
School of Education  Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation Programs
College of Engineering and Computer Science Mechanical Engineering BS
Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics Public Health BS
School of Information Studies Information Systems MS
College of Law Academic and Bar Support
Whitman School of Management Management BS
Maxwell School Geography MA
Newhouse Newhouse Assessment Committee
College of Visual & Performing Arts Acting BFA
University College Online Degrees and Certificates
Co-curricular Program/Unit Community Standards
Functional Unit Student Outreach and Retention


School/College/Area  Program/Unit 
School of Architecture B. Arch
The College of Arts and Sciences Arabic Studies Minor
School of Education  Educational Leadership CAS
College of Engineering and Computer Science Bioengineering BS
Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics Nutrition Science BS
School of Information Studies Applied Data Science MS
College of Law Law JD
Whitman School of Management Real Estate BS
Maxwell School Public Administration MPA
Newhouse Broadcast & Digital Journalism MS
College of Visual & Performing Arts Fashion Design BFA
University College English Language Institute
Co-curricular Program/Unit Office of Student Living
Functional Unit Center for Disability Resources

Best Engagement Strategies 

Syracuse University’s assessment framework calls various stakeholders to participate in collaborative, sustainable, and meaningful reflection. Academic, co-curricular, and functional areas are encouraged to include stakeholders at multiple levels to enhance student learning and operational success. In this category, programs/units are recognized for engaging faculty, staff and students associated with the program/unit in the assessment process. Awards in this category are presented for: 

  • Best Faculty Engagement Strategies 
  • Best Staff Engagement Strategies 
  • Best Student Engagement Strategies 


Area | Award Category  Program/Department/Unit 
Academic Programs | Best Faculty Engagement Human Development & Family Science BS Program
Co-Curricular Programs/Units | Best Staff Engagement  College of Professional Studies Dean’s Office
Academic Programs | Best Student Engagement Living Learning Communities


Area | Award Category  Program/Department/Unit 
Academic Programs | Best Faculty Engagement Biology Department
Co-Curricular Programs/Units | Best Staff Engagement  Falk College Dean’s Office
Academic Programs | Best Student Engagement Bioengineering Instruction Team and Student Consultants, as part of the Partnership for Inclusive Education (PIE)

Area | Award Category  Program/Department/Unit 
Academic Programs | Best Faculty Engagement Linguistic Studies Program
Co-Curricular Programs/Units | Best Staff Engagement  Center for Learning and Student Success
Academic Programs | Best Student Engagement Civil & Env. Engineering Graduate Seminar Assessment

Area | Award Category  Program/Department/Unit 
Academic Programs | Faculty Engagement Human Development and Family Science Department
Co-curricular Programs/Units | Staff Engagement  Office of Multicultural Affairs
Functional Units | Staff Engagement College of Law Dean’s Office
Co-curricular Programs/Units | Student Engagement Shaw Center for Public and Community Service

Best Use of Results

Using data to inform decision-making is central to Syracuse University’s process of conducting student learning outcomes and operational assessment. Based on results, faculty/staff members identify and implement actions to improve student learning and the campus environment. The impact of actions over time is considered with subsequent adjustments made as needed. Awards in this category are presented for:  

  • Best Use of Results in Academic Programs
  • Best Use of Results in Co-Curricular Programs/Units
  • Best Use of Results in Functional Units


Area Program/ Unit
Academic Programs Film BFA Program
Co-curricular Programs/Units The Syracuse Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Engagement (SOURCE)
Functional Units Retention & Student Success


Area Program/ Unit
Academic Programs WRT 205 Learning Outcomes Assessment for the Liberal Arts Core 
Co-curricular Programs/Units Barnes Center at The Arch DEIA Committee
Functional Units Maxwell Staff Council


Area Program/ Unit
Academic Programs Environmental + Interior Design BFA
Co-curricular Programs/Units Student Living
Functional Units College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office


Area Program/ Unit
Academic Programs Social Work BS
Co-curricular Programs/Units Dean of Students Office
Functional Units Admissions

Collaborative Inquiry & Action

Meaningful collaboration, reflection, equity-minded analysis, and action across Syracuse University is what assessment is all about. This award is given to a program or unit that collaborates with others outside of their primary school, college, or division to use assessment methods and data to enhance the student experience. Sharing data and discussing the story the data tell leads to actions that improve student learning and campus operations. 


Area Program/ Unit
Co-Curricular Program/Unit Barnes Center at The Arch

Prior Assessment Events

2024 One University Assessment Celebration

“Assessment plays a critical role in our effort to fulfill our goal of providing the best possible academic experience for our students. I look forward to celebrating the many ways in which faculty, staff, and students are participating in assessment practices that illuminate our strengths and enact our commitment to consistent improvement.”

Lois Agnew, Associate Provost for Academic Programs, Spring 2024

The One University Assessment Celebration, hosted by Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness on April 26, 2024, honored exceptional accomplishments in assessment by presenting 12 awards across five categories. This event celebrated the impactful and sustainable practices faculty and staff employ to deliver an unparalleled learning experience for students. Attendees also explored poster presentations developed by participants of the 2023 Assessment Leadership Institute, showcasing their assessment efforts throughout the past academic year. Additionally, the inaugural recipients of the “Student Engagement in Assessment” grant were recognized for their poster presentations, which highlighted the collaborative endeavors of students, faculty, and staff.

Over 60 individuals from various departments across the campus attended the event. Access to event slides, photos, program, and posters can be found below.

Event Photos

2024 Award Recipients, Event Program, and Slides (includes a description of each award, the recipient, and a description of their efforts)

Poster Presentations

2023 Assessment Leadership Institute Participants

PresentersPoster (*pdf)
Institutional Effectiveness2023 Assessment Leadership Institute (ALI)
Keonte Coleman | Assessment & Program Review
Newhouse School of Public Communications
Creating Accessible, Inclusive, and
Transparent Newhouse Assessment
Platforms (P.S. No One Asked for This)
Nadeem Ghani | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science College of Engineering & Computer ScienceStudent Perspectives on Program Evolution
Dimitar Gueorguiev | Political Science
Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs
Program Assessment: Chinese Studies
Jody Nyboer | School of Design
College of Visual & Performing Arts
Harmonizing Standards and Outcomes
An Analysis of Assessment Cogency in
Environment and Interior Design
Kathleen Roland-Silverstein, Isabel Hampton (’24), Katie Weber (’24)
School of Music | College of Visual & Performing Arts
Setnor M.M. Voice Pedagogy Program:
Assessment & Aspirations
Darwin Tsen | Languages, Literatures, & Linguistics
The College of Arts & Sciences
CHI 201: Beginning of a Journey
Andrea Willis | Academic Programs
College of Professional Studies
Assessment Excellence: Tracking Success
at the College of Professional Studies

2023-24 Student Engagement Grant Recipients

PresentersPoster (*pdf)
Institutional EffectivenessStudent Engagement in Assessment Mini-Grant
Biomedical & Chemical Engineering
Tessa DeCicco, Kerrin O’Grady, Jade Carter, Carly Ward,Natalie Petryk, Bridge Sides, Mia Paynton & Doug Yung
Enhancing K-12 STEM Preparedness
through Biomedical Engineering Outreach

Center for Learning & Student Success (CLASS)
Student Success Advisory Council: Eadin Block (’26), Margot MacKechnie (’26), Gary Shteyman (’26), Karen Toole (Center for Disability Resources), Tasha Terzini (A&S), Kate Bussell (CLASS), and George Athanas (CLASS)
Student Success Advisory Council:
A Strategy for Student Engagement
New Student Programs
Winnie Naggar (’24), Butch Hallmark
Retention and Connection: Analyzing the
Impact of New Student Programs’ Small
Group Experience on Student Success
during Orientation
Retention & Student Success
Prabin Raj Shrestha (’24), Hope Smalling
Beyond Retention – An Integrated Student
Success Model

Beyond Retention – An Integrated Student
Success Model
(‡) To request an accessible version of these posters in a different file format, email

“It is nice to be able to gather in person this year to celebrate everyone’s work and achievements. We are grateful to all of you for your continued work related to assessment. We are impressed on how assessment and your work to improve our programs and services evolved since 2014.”

Jerry Edmonds, Chief of Staff, Academic Affairs

2023 One University Assessment Celebration

“Every year I see this culture growing stronger and smarter as innovators like you all find new ways to do assessment and new ways to use assessment results to improve your operations and programs. These awards are meant to recognize that innovation and the effort behind it.”

Chris Johnson, Former Associate Provost for Academic Affairs

The One University Assessment Celebration, hosted by Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness on April 28, 2023, recognized outstanding achievements in assessment with the presentation of 12 awards. The event also featured poster presentations created by participants of the 2022 Assessment Leadership Institute, highlighting their work over the past academic year.

Over 65 individuals from various departments across the campus attended the event. Access to event slides, photos, program, and posters can be found below.

Event Photos

Event Program and Slides (includes a description of each award, the recipient, and a description of their efforts)

2022 Assessment Leadership Institute Posters

Presenters Poster (*pdf)
Institutional EffectivenessAssessment Leadership Institute (ALI
Nicole Beckwith | Nutrition and Food Studies | Falk CollegeImplementation of Accreditation Standards in a Dietetic Internship
Jamie Desjardins | Communication Sciences and Disorders | A&SLearning and Development of Undergraduate Students in CSD_B.S.: CSD Assessment Report
Mary Kiernan | Nutrition and Food Studies | Falk CollegeFood Studies Program Curriculum Mapping Exercise
Kal Srinivas | Retention and Student Success | Syracuse UniversityAssessment First, Then Student Success (SummerStart)
Institutional EffectivenessInstitutional Effectiveness at Syracuse University

2022 One University Assessment Celebration

On April 29, 2022, Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment hosted the One University Assessment Celebration. During the celebration, 23 awards were given, showcasing excellent work in assessment.

The event was attended by more than 50 people from across campus. Event pictures, program and slides used during the event can be accessed below.

Event Pictures

Event Program and Slides (includes a description of each award, the recipient, and a description of their efforts)

2021 One University Virtual Assessment Celebration

On May 7, 2021, the Institutional Effectiveness (IE) celebrated and recognized the efforts of faculty and staff who delivered learning experiences and services through innovative modalities and reflected on learning and operations in their 2019-20 assessment and action plans. We commend faculty and staff efforts to study student learning and operations in order to provide students with an unsurpassed learning experience. The event was held virtually and was attended by more than 80 people from across campus. Event recording and slides used during the event can be accessed below.

Event Recording

Event Slides (includes a description of each award, the recipient, and a description of their efforts)

2019 One University Assessment Poster Session

On April 5, 2019, our campus community engaged in assessment activities to support student learning and enhance campus operations. This inaugural event, which was held at the Peter Graham Scholarly Commons, 114 Bird Library, showcased and celebrated these efforts!

Event Pictures

Poster Award Winners

Award CategoryPresenter (s)Poster AbstractLink to Posters (*.pdf)
Best Faculty Engagement StrategiesAnne Mosher, Chair | Citizenship and Civic Engagement, Maxwell SchoolCitizenship and Civic Engagement created a set of program learning outcome statements in 2016. After two assessment cycles, we find that these statements are vague and do not properly reflect the learning that takes place within our program. We have been attempting to improve them by “mapping” them onto Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. This has involved a three-step process: 1. Mapping program learning outcomes onto the taxonomy, 2. Mapping course learning outcomes onto the taxonomy, 3. Comparing the map patterns produced–both visually and statistically. This technique has allowed us to see what knowledge and cognitive process dimensions our program learning outcomes statements hit and miss. It also helps us compare our learning outcomes (“ideals”) to what students are actually asked to do in our courses (the “reality”). In this poster, we focus on a single program learning outcome, the beginning course in the program that introduces this outcome, and three reinforcing assignments. The maps produced have allowed us to develop more appropriate learning outcomes statements for this course and for the program as well.Improving Learning Outcome Statements: How to Use Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy as a Base Map
Best Staff Engagement StrategiesColleen Cicotta, Associate Director
Sierra Eastman ’20, Shaw Center Leadership Intern | Mary Ann Shaw Center for Public and Community Service
During the 2017-18 academic year, the Mary Ann Shaw Center for Public and Community Service assessed the impact of community engaged work on the development of critical career skills. Shaw Center staff also assessed our use of reflection as a tool for meeting other stated learning outcomes and our ability to meet operational goals for transportation. Overall findings indicate that Shaw Center initiatives are successful in supporting student development of critical career skills and other stated learning outcomes. Operational assessment indicated that changes to our transportation system have increased capacity to accommodate students who are doing community engaged work for academic purposes.Community Engaged Learning Outcomes
Best Use of ResultsKimberley Salanger, Accreditation/Assessment Coordinator/Functional Business Analyst, Dean’s Office
Jason Curry, Assistant Teaching Professor/AAQEP Coordinator, Instructional Design, Development & Evaluation | School of Education
The School of Education Unit for Preparing School Professionals has a strong history of engaging with assessment processes as demonstrated by numerous and successful accreditation visits and national program recognitions. SOE believes in data-driven decision making noting that no one event can dictate programmatic changes. This faculty-driven process is supported by an accreditation coordinator and assessment coordinator who oversee seamless collection, analysis and reporting of data from multiple-measures and varying perspectives. The data are organized by candidate, program, and Unit to facilitate sound programmatic changes.Data Driven Decision Making: This Is What We Are All About!
Best Poster DesignEunjoo Jung, Associate Professor, Undergraduate Director
Ambika Krishnakumar, Professor, Chair
Rachel Razza, Associate Professor | Human development and Family Science, Falk College
The Department of Human Development and Family Science’s assessments are geared toward ensuring the high quality of our students’ education while also meeting the program’s commitment to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Our assessment efforts include identifying and systematically evaluating student learning outcomes through curriculum mapping, course-embedded assignments, capstone experiences, and exit surveys. Assessment results inform evidence-based decision-making and practices to advance student scholarship, career preparedness, and curriculum development. Our direct and indirect assessment efforts indicate that we are successfully meeting requirements for and improving student learning outcomes. HDFS is committed to making student learning outcomes assessment an ongoing and critical part of students’ success.Development of Young Scholars and their Career-Preparedness: HDFS Assessment Report
People’s ChoiceKal Srinivas, Director for Retention
Hopeton Smalling, Functional Business Analyst | Academic Affairs / Enrollment and the Student Experience
Managing change and culture within a large private university is daunting, but can be done by diagnosing what areas need alignment. More importantly, sustaining institutional change in higher education is possible with a strategic approach. This session will provide examples of how adoption of Orange Success was promoted strategically through the lens of “One University.” We will share how our thinking shifted from focus on departments to an all university view to successfully embed/anchor the change. Lessons learned include the many reactive changes that were unforeseen, or were simply more difficult to influence from the start.Orange SUccess – Managing Change, People, Technology, and Process

Thank you to all of our poster presenters

Presenter (s)Poster AbstractLink to Posters (*.pdf)
Pun To (Douglas) Yung, Assistant Teaching Professor |
Biomedical and Chemical Engineering, ECS
Curriculum evaluation and revision are often driven by student comments and satisfaction, but they may not reflect the attainment of learning outcomes, impact on educational objectives or long-term knowledge retainment. This poster uses a number of direct and indirect assessment on student learning outcomes to holistically revamp individual courses and as a yardstick for curriculum evaluation and revision. Assessment plays an integral role in shaping behavior and values. Some of the assessment strategies include course-based assessment activities, closing the feedback loop, developing course portfolios, and connecting the gaps between formative and summative evaluations.A Model for Curriculum Evaluation and Revision in Bioengineering
Pun To (Douglas) Yung, Assistant Teaching Professor |
Biomedical and Chemical Engineering, ECS
Typical engineering curricula culminate in a senior capstone design course. At Syracuse University, the bioengineering capstone project is designed to provide students with a relevant and realistic client-based design experience through hands-on projects. It is not uncommon to have a few high-achieving teams and the rest of the class with varying degrees of success. A virtual internship model has been adopted in this course to emulate a real-world environment that entry-level engineers experience. Different project management techniques are introduced to assess and maximize success in this course.A Virtual Internship Model to Assess and Maximize Success in Bioengineering Senior Capstone Design (*.pdf unavailable)
Maureen Thompson, Associate Professor | Public Health, Falk CollegeService learning and community engagement are cornerstones of public health education at Syracuse University. By purposefully integrating classroom instruction with hands-on opportunities, longstanding faculty-agency collaborations locally and globally allow us to enhance student learning while helping to address health needs of the community. We utilize an academic service-learning approach to integrate community-based learning opportunities with classroom instruction. This presentation will outline our model of academic service learning, learning outcomes, and assessment approaches.Assessing Experiential Learning
Peter D. Verheyen, Librarian, Research and Emerging Issues Analyst
Amanda Page, Open Publishing and Copyright Librarian
John Stawarz, Online Instruction Librarian
Deirdre Joyce, Metadata Services Librarian
| Syracuse University Libraries
Using three examples, this poster illustrates the state of the Libraries’ assessment process. Included is an overview of the Libraries’ rationale for selecting goals, why these are important, and expressions of successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Examples include the Digital Library Program, support for Open Access and Open Publishing, and Online Instruction.Assessment Activities at the Libraries
Bill Coplin, Director and Professor of Policy Studies
Isabella Baglietto, Student Presenter
Whitney Wertheimer, Student Presenter |
Policy Studies Program, Maxwell School
The Policy Studies undergraduate major has conducted senior exit surveys for the past 20 years. The survey questions are connected to the major learning objectives for the Program, in course syllabi, and to course evaluations. The data from the survey are used for formative purposes by the faculty, staff and students. The primary value of having senior exit surveys be the primary data source over a long period of time and connected to course materials and evaluation is that it focuses our evaluations on our customers, and it provides a stable set of data. Difficulties in implementing the survey are mostly related to getting a high response rate. We have averaged about 70% year in and year out. The poster will describe the tactics we used to get a high response as well as show how the results have been used.Assessment Must Start with the Students: Senior Exit Surveys
Peggy M. Takach, Director, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning & Adjunct Faculty
Margaret Craft, Academic Operations Analyst
| iSchool
The iSchool prides itself in its collaborative, supportive community of faculty and staff as a School of One, and we have made great strides in establishing a culture of assessment as we improve our programs and experiences for our students. The iSchool developed and implemented a new assessment process over the past year. This poster will include detailed levels and components of the iSchool process and samples of some of their new elements: four-year cycle plan with timeline and criteria for assessing core classes, 18-month cycle plan, assessment task force and their new syllabus certification.Building a Community of Assessment
Fresenai Afeworki, Research and Assessment Intern
Laura Harrington, Associate Director
Amanda Johnson Sanguiliano, Assessment Associate
| Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment
Over the past four years, Syracuse University has been involved in a campus-wide assessment initiative with the goal of enhancing student learning and University operations through evidence-based decision-making. At the academic program level and in co-curricular and functional areas, faculty, staff, and school/college leadership are studying how well student learning outcomes, goals, and operational outcomes/objectives are being attained. A variety of actions are being taken or considered based on evidence they have collected. This poster provides an overview and initial findings from the Assessment Working Team’s study on the University’s engagement in the assessment process. Overall, the findings indicate that there is increasing faculty engagement in the assessment process of academic programs.Engagement in Syracuse University’s Assessment Process
Christina Huerta, International Student Advisor
David Lind, Director
Olga Oganesyan, Assistant Director |
English Language Institute
The English Language Institute focuses on pre-academic training programs which prepares international students, including Fulbright scholars, to succeed in undergraduate and graduate degree programs at Syracuse University and universities across the United States. Student learning outcomes include both language acquisition and intercultural competence, leading to better academic performance in their degree programs. The ELI specializes in both EAP (English for Academic Purposes) and ESP (English for Specific Purposes) programs, designed in partnership with graduate programs at the university. The ELI works collaboratively with partners both on and off campus to support the University’s internationalization efforts.English Language Institute
Margaret Usdansky, Director
Rich Granato, Academic Learning Specialist |
Center for Learning and Student Success
The Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) strives to offer comprehensive, high-quality academic support services for students. These include group and one-on-one tutoring, academic coaching, workshops, and academic integrity education and case management. This poster describes program growth and expansion since the founding of CLASS in 2017 as well as the ongoing assessment of CLASS programming. Special attention is paid to CLASS’s newest program – academic coaching – designed to help students build confidence and competence in using research-based learning strategies to improve their study skills and academic success. Coaching is a CLASS research and evaluation project with faculty in Maxwell and Falk. Participating students are randomly assigned to the 8-hour, 4-week in-person program with peer coaches or to online coaching resources.Helping Students Become Expert Independent Learners
Kelly Delevan, Information Literacy Librarian | Syracuse University LibrariesSU Libraries are developing a programmatic approach to information literacy.
By aligning SUL’s information literacy student learning outcomes with relevant outcomes in academic programs, the information literacy librarian can be strategic in moving the program forward. The alignment was completed by analyzing all program learning outcomes in Tk20 for themes related to information literacy knowledge practices and dispositions articulated by the SU Libraries Information Literacy program.
Information Literacy is Everywhere! Strategic alignment of SU Libraries learning outcomes with Academic Programs
Kal Srinivas, Director for Retention
Hopeton Smalling, Functional Business Analyst |
Academic Affairs / Enrollment and the Student Experience
Syracuse University has significantly advanced its technology resources in alignment with the 2015 Academic Strategic Plan, in support of student success. The plan integrated campus efforts and resources to improve outcomes. High-tech vendors deliver applications to HED through cloud-based services that mostly depend on web browsers as the primary user interface. Orange SUccess, a web based advising tool was rolled out in spring 2016 and accessibility issues occurred after the contract had been signed. This session will present how a campus-wide initiative managed the expectations of users and vendors, through collaboration, while maintaining compliance. Learn about the challenges we face and how we overcome them.Orange SUccess – Ensuring Accessibility through Collaboration
Austin Zwick, Assistant Teaching Professor of Policy Studies
Morgan Laucius, Student Presenter
Julia Howard-Flanders, Student Presenter | Policy Studies Program, Maxwell School
In Fall 2018, the Policy Studies department had a Benchmarking class where five students were tasked with writing the Program Review for the department overseen by Professor Zwick. The review focused on (1) the four dimensions specified by Middle States (Quality, Demand, Cost Effectiveness, and Centrality to Mission), and (2) how the Policy Studies Major fulfills the strategic plan of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Maxwell School. The team analyzed data from (1) department records, (2) Senior Exit Surveys, (3) Course Evaluations, and (4) Office of Institutional Research and Assessment. This poster presentation overviews the work done by these students, presents findings, and encourages other departments to use students in their program reviews.Student Authored Program Review
Roderick M Martinez, Associate Professor & Program Head |
Communications Design/School of Design, VPA
Snapshot – A Program of Assessment is a view of the assessment processes created and implemented by the program of Communications Design / School of Design / College of Visual and Performing Arts. This poster features a series of information graphics that illustrate how this program conducts assessment of learning outcomes and forms the overall teaching and learning experience. The program has over a quarter of a century invested in student assessment and this “snapshot” is an attempt to share this knowledge with interested colleagues and others in the academic community.Snapshot
Aileen Gallagher, Associate Professor and Director of Assessment and Program Review
Laura Harrington, Associate Director for Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment
| Newhouse
During its last ACEJMC accreditation review in 2015, Newhouse was advised to 1. Create a formal, school-wide process that 2. Assessed programs, not classes. The school appointed a faculty member as assessment director and created a school-wide standing committee on assessment. The committee reviewed
self-studies and site-visit reports to learn how other accredited programs approach assessment. Going forward, Newhouse will assess student learning (and subsequent job readiness) through direct measures such as capstone projects, portfolios, and internship evaluations. Indirect measures will include exit surveys and alumni surveys, and tracking of student awards.
Viewing Program-Level Assessment Through a Professional Lens


  • Chris Johnson, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
  • Carol Faulkner, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Maxwell School, Award Judge
  • Ralph Lorenz, Senior Associate Dean, VPA, Award Judge
  • Sarah Smith, Research Associate, Office of Institutional Research, Award Judge
  • Bruce Carlson, Facilities Manager, ECS
  • Monica Stitt-Bergh, University of Hawaii at Minoa Assessment Office
  • Syracuse University Libraries