
For more information on rubric development, you can access the following workshops held at Syracuse University:

Here are some tools on how to construct a rubric step-by-step by following the main stages in rubric construction:

  • Roadmap for Creating Program-Level Rubrics provides step by step guidance on the creation of program-level rubrics, detailing their types, benefits, and development steps.
  • Rubric Roadmap provides step-by-step guidance on rubric development.
  • Rubistar is a free tool to help educators create rubrics using customizable text, so that educators can adapt a rubric to suit a particular assignment or text.
  • Quick Rubric is an online resource for developing rubrics, which also provides general information and examples on rubrics.
  • iRubric, where you may create a free account to use the rubric creation tool with other advanced features.
  • You can create your own rubric in Microsoft Word by editing the attached rubric template.

Relevant books:

Resources on Norming Rubrics:

  • Holmes, C., Oakleaf, M. (2013). The official (and unofficial) rules for norming rubrics successfully. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 39, 599-602.
  • Guide to Norming Rubrics, Washington State University.