Curriculum Mapping

Curriculum mapping is the process of aligning courses and other learning experiences with student learning outcomes. Curriculum mapping shows the relationship between the program’s student learning outcomes and curriculum. It also demonstrates the progression of student learning in the academic program, helps to identify gaps in the curriculum, promotes discussion among the faculty, communicates expectations to students, and enhances the academic program’s assessment and action plan.

An overview of the curriculum mapping process along with best practices is provided in the workshop slides linked below. The curriculum map templates found in the following section can be used to facilitate the development of your academic program’s curriculum map.

Curriculum Map Templates

Note: The following curriculum mapping tools were adapted from the Carnegie Mellon University Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation.

Note, if your academic program has tracks, and you would like to include this information in your curriculum map, please email the Assessment Working Team (assessment for a map template with tracks.

Curriculum Mapping Consultations

The Assessment Working Team conducts individual or group consultations for curriculum mapping. If your academic program or department is interested, please use the button below to schedule an appointment with a member of the Assessment Working Team.