Information for Students

An important part of the academic experience is providing feedback on courses you have recently taken. This opportunity allows you to think about your progress in the course, helps your instructors know what worked and what didn’t, and is useful to departments as they develop course offerings. At Syracuse University, course feedback is collected through an online system.

Course feedback is gathered towards the end of courses, and you will receive email notifications and reminder prompts in Blackboard. Please take time during that window to complete your course feedback form(s). Your responses are confidential, and no identifying information is recorded or distributed on the reports that are generated. Aggregated reports are released after final grades are submitted.

Student Access

For students, completing feedback forms is easy to do. There are multiple access points:

  • Log in to with your Syracuse University credentials.
  • Click on the link in an invitation or reminder emails to login and view available feedback forms from a phone or computer.
  • In Blackboard, click “Tools” in the main menu and then select the “Course Feedback” tile.

If a student is having problems accessing forms, it may be a browser issue. The course feedback system requires the acceptance of a session cookie by the browser software. If a student is unable to view their forms, they should check to see that cookies are enabled in the browser they are using. Allowing cookies is not the default setting in the most recent Safari version, so if a student is using Safari, they should:

  • Click on “Safari” in the main menu, then “Preferences” from the sub-menu.
  • Click on the “Privacy” panel.
  • If “Block all cookies” is selected, they should de-select it.

Another step is to clear the browser cache. This article shares how that can be done in different browsers.

If the issue persists, students should contact the IE course feedback team.

Tips for Maximizing Your Feedback

Providing constructive feedback is very important as gives you the opportunity to have your voice be heard to inform your instructor on how aspects of the course applied to the overall teaching and learning.

  • Take time to think about the course. Don’t just skim through the feedback form.
  • Be specific and descriptive if asked for comments. Details help instructors as they refine their courses. Give examples of when something went well and when it didn’t.
  • Balance positive feedback with constructive criticism. This allows instructors to continue integrating things that worked into their teaching and make changes where necessary to improve learning.

Your input is very important and directly impacts actions taken to enhance course instruction and the learning environment on our campus. Share your course experience and have your voice heard. We appreciate your time and effort!

Please contact the IE course feedback team if you have any questions or would like more information.