What are the Shared Competencies?
The Shared Competencies are institutional, integrative learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) common to all undergraduates that support, reinforce, or complement program-specific outcomes.
What is competency framing language?
Competency framing language is text that communicates the content of that competency to educators and learners. It is not a definition. Rather it offers a range of knowledge, skills, and attributes that each competency entails.
What is the purpose of the Shared Competencies?
Syracuse University is implementing shared competencies for six main reasons:
- Allow students to communicate the value of their degree to prospective employers and graduate schools.
- Provide pathways for students to connect their major field of study, liberal art requirements, and co-curricular or other experiences.
- Enable academic programs to integrate the institutional learning goals into the curriculum.
- Assess equity in the student learning experience and address learning gaps.
- Meet Syracuse University’s regional accreditation requirements (Middles States Commission on Higher Education).
Are the Shared Competencies related to the first year experience changes?
The Shared Competencies are a separate endeavor from the first year experience. However, the first year experience will enhance student development of Ethics, Integrity, and Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion through the course's learning objectives and activities.
Do students have to master all six shared competencies to graduate?
The competencies are not a graduation requirement. They help faculty and students communicate the overall value of a Syracuse University education. Faculty and staff will assess student competency development to enhance the strength of our programs, not to evaluate individual students.
Why don’t the competencies differ by major?
Syracuse University wants all of its undergraduate students to develop the six competencies upon graduation, to ensure preparation for a global, changing world and career and personal success.
What if a student’s major does not include courses pertaining to one or more of the competencies?
At present, almost all programs at the University have learning outcomes that align with the six shared competencies, through required courses within the major or outside the major. For those programs that do not align fully with the competencies or where assessment of student outcomes indicates a problem in competency development, faculty in charge of individual programs will discuss the issues and adjust their programs accordingly to benefit future students. Faculty, not students, are responsible for developing and assessing student development of the competencies, for purposes of program improvement.
Will students be responsible for taking classes in the six competency areas?
The goal is that students will develop the six competencies in fulfilling the program requirements for their major. The University Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Shared Competencies will oversee the assessment of student development to ensure that this is the case. For those programs that do not align fully with the competencies or where assessment of student outcomes indicates a problem in competency development, faculty in charge of individual programs will discuss the issues and make adjustments that will address the needs of future students.