The Faculty Portfolio system summarizes details about faculty accomplishments in a useful, consistent, and sharable manner. The key benefits of a digital platform include:
- An intuitive interface that makes it easy for faculty (or designees) to enter information into the system and update it instantaneously.
- An integrated platform, which imports:
- Publications from databases like Scopus and Web of Science with citations adhering to disciplinary style guides
- Scheduled teaching information from PeopleSoft
- Course feedback results
- Customized fields and workflows consistent with school/college policies and practices.
- Artifacts of faculty work can be stored, such as publications, presentations, grant award letters, and audio and video recordings of performances; CVs can be created for different purposes; and web profiles can be updated with minimal effort.
- Curriculum vitae (CVs), recent publications, grant applications, collaborations, promotion and tenure documents, accreditation reports, and online profile summaries for annual school/college, departmental, and University-wide review can be generated, assuring a more equitable effort. Reports support the recognition of faculty accomplishments and impact and can be used in strategic planning and program assessment.
- Access to the system, data, and tenure & promotion documents is restricted by roles; permissions are verified by NetID/single sign-on. Faculty have access to their account whereby they can update or modify the information. Only the department representative for Faculty Success will have access to information from the department.
- Secured system matches current faculty workflows and processes such as annual CV update, promotion and tenure, and reporting, including required accreditation reports. Configurable CVs or bio-sketches are available for various purposes.
Support Your Digital Presence

Document your full scope of activities, including:
- Formal and informal student advising and mentorship
- School/college, University, professional, and public service
- Professional development, training, and licensure

- Central component to document performance for annual reviews and salary equity
- Component in documenting accomplishments and relating pay equity to performance
- Document all facets of performance related to research, teaching, and service

Capture a full range of scholarship from artistic, social science, humanist, and STEM activities plus integration of teaching and service activities. Export citations in multiple styles, including APA, Chicago, MLA, and 16 others.

Digitize current paper-based workflows including Senate Form A, Annual Review, and Promotion & Tenure

Format your CV for a variety of audiences: exhibition/performance bio, grants, proposals, news releases, author/NSF/NIH bio sketches as needed

Leverage existing University data systems to autopopulate information such as scheduled teaching, course feedback, sponsored research, and biographical information

Link or import from third party aggregators like Google Sсholar, RefWorks, EndNote, ORCID, Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef

Reduce the number of requests you receive for data by entering information once and use it for multiple purposes, including annual updates, reviews, web profiles and accreditation activities.
One-on-one training sessions, workshops, guides, and videos are available to support you!
Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment | 100 Crouse-Hinds Hall | |