For Syracuse University, assessment is the process of systematically gathering information about the student experience with the goal of improving it. As part of the University’s commitment to providing our students with an outstanding educational experience in and out of the classroom, the entire campus is engaged in ongoing assessment. The assessment process leads to evidence-based decisions about curriculum and pedagogy, programs and services, and student support. Additionally, assessment is a critical component of our institutional accreditation by the Middle States Higher Education Commission (MSCHE).
The contributions of all academic, co-curricular, and functional areas are key to determining institutional effectiveness. Assessment and action plans (AAP) have been developed and implemented by 412 academic programs, 38 co-curricular programs/units, and 70 functional areas to inform decision-making. Results are being used to “close the loop”—that is, faculty and staff review and analyze the information gathered in the assessment process, determine what actions should be taken to improve, apply those actions, and then measure whether they were effective.